
Friday, August 2, 2019

Beginnings Open Word Doors

Clay Bowls
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Today's poem simply describes a true thing in my life right now. I have left all social media platforms but one and am finding new and different ways to be a beginner in life. This summer I took a pottery class (at the warm and wondrous Buffalo Clayart Studio), and these three little bowls made me happy to pinch and make me happy to fill.

If you ever feel you are unsure of what to write about or that your well has run dry, you might think about learning or doing or reading something new. As humans, we are lucky to be able to invent and reinvent ourselves through life. No matter what we are given, we can make choices. Just like clay, we can be flexible.  Listen to your heart and mind and hands. Who do they wish to be? Where do they find most joy?

Writing-wise, when we open ourselves to new experiences, new word doors swing wide. Suddenly, we are full of different ideas, people, places, and knowledge. Stories and essays and poems will sprout from our growing, changing selves.

Heidi is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at my juicy little universe with the definito - a cool form she created - and many definitos written by many people. Please know that we gather each Friday, sharing poems and poemlove, and all are always welcome.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Oh, I would love to pop by to share almonds, raspberries, and stars! Love these words from today's post - "Listen to your heart and mind and hands. Who do they wish to be? Where do they find most joy?" Thanks for being a happy ambassador, Amy!

  2. Your new adventures led to two beautiful things - your family of bowls and a poem. Enjoy pinching pottery and learning something new!

  3. I needed this today. Thank you, Amy. ❤️

  4. Branching out into new activities and practices sparks our imaginations, doesn't it? I started doing weight training with my daughter and there's a lot of time between sets to think muscular new thoughts. Your bowls and poem are charmingly handmade.

  5. "new and different ways to be a beginner in life" -- what a great stance!!

  6. I love your "family of bowls" and your final stanza: "Come visit our home./I will fill them for you." Thanks for filling us up over and over again, Amy!

  7. Yes! Here's to life long learning. I love the tiny family of bowls too. They are dear.

  8. What a great reminder of simple ways to enrich our lives! I am finding small ways to do that too! I recently joined a coloring group, something no one would have thought to do years ago.

  9. Your bowls and your poem are so inviting. I took a pottery class once and enjoyed creating things. I didn't do well with the wheel, but pinching was great. Thanks for the reminder that the little things can be a poem.

  10. It is an invitation to venture out, to create, Amy, right along with your book, With My Hands! My students and I made pots/bowls/cups several times through the years. Working with clay feels like a meditation sometimes, patience, focusing on one thing in that moment.

  11. I'm partial to the wonderment in your star bowl–lovely three bowls and poem, thanks Amy!
