
Friday, May 15, 2020

Celebrate a Day

Today is Baking Day!
Photo by Amy LV

Usually I write more here about Friday poems, but during this time, I am instead sharing weekday writing videos for students and teachers at Keeping a Notebook and will crosspost here on Fridays.

Jama is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at Jama's Alphabet Soup with a delightful poem by Jeff Friedman and photographs that have joyfully convinced me to make chococolate chip cookies this afternoon. Happy National Chocolate Chip Day to one and all, and thank you to Jama for inspiring my writing (and baking) today!

5:10pm Update - I baked these Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies - YUM! If you have extra sourdough discard in your refrigerator, this is a great way to use it.

Happy Cookies!
Photo by Amy LV

As for Poetry Friday, we invite everybody to join in each Friday as we share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship. Check out my left sidebar to learn where to find this poetry goodness each week of the year.

Please share a comment below if you 


  1. love, Love, LOVE! Yes, I will help. Any day. Any time.

  2. Be happy to help, Amy! Love that you have a batch big enough for so many! (I will make that figuratively, too!)

  3. LOVE your poem -- 100 bags of chocolate chips! You are my kind of poet, Amy!! Yes, I will help stir. I love the image of tossing cookies like frisbees up to everyone. Enjoy your baking this afternoon. :)

  4. I love the idea of making the the recipe a 100 times. And chocolate chip cookies. Hummers.

  5. Between you and Jama, I'm going to HAVE TO make some chocolate chip cookies!!

    Thank you for ALL the goodness you toss -- especially your notebooking videos. I am going to work my way through them all summer long!

  6. Big glass of cold milk at the ready for all these delicious chocolate chip-themed posts! I would gladly help pass out those cookies if it brought a moment of joy to the recipient. Thanks for the invite! xx Christie @

  7. Even your baking turns into an act of generosity and love, Amy--wonderful!

  8. Tossing cookies like frisbees is almost what Mardi Gras in New Orleans is like. Cookies for everyone. What a friendly, generous poem.

  9. Amy, your post today was full of fun. I like the paperbag notebook you created and the chocolate chip cookie poem-the daydream idea is clever. Since I am hosting Poetry Friday this coming week, I thought I might take a look at the National Celebrate a Day calendar as suggested by you.

  10. Oh, this is wonderful! I love the phrasing in the line "I will make it times 100" and then the generosity and glory of those tossing frisbee cookies.

  11. What a delightful post Amy. Love the idea of making a journal from paper bags. One of the best parts of hearing you read the poem was seeing your face that didn't start smiling, while reading the humongous ingredients–delicious all around, thanks! xo
