Friday, May 20, 2022

Making. Making. Violet Tea.

2 Cups Violets
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Today's poem is about a process: making violet jelly, something I did this week, something that made me feel happy. 

I first found some recipes and chose to make the Violet Jelly recipe over at Homestead Acres.

Visiting many places in the yard to pick, pick pick, I even found a little snake sunning himself! It took a long time to pick so many violets, but it was a cool sunny morning and picking violets was a good way to spend it.

Violets and Snake Under the Redbud
Photo by Amy LV

I gathered two cups of violets and packed them down a little bit...but not too much. But the more you pack them down, the more violet your jelly will be.

Violets and Bunny at St. Francis's Hem
Photo by Amy LV

Then I made the "violet tea," which is simply boiling water poured over violets. It sat in the fridge for two nights, though one night would have been enough. The water eventually became deep blue.

Violet Tea
Photo by Amy LV

Following the recipe, I ended up with ten sweet and sparkly jars full of spring goodness! My favorite part was pouring the lemon juice into the strained violet tea...the blue tea turned purple. My son came down to watch this part, and we were both surprised and delighted when it happened...even though the recipe promised it would.

4 oz. Jar of Violet Jelly
Photo by Amy LV

Making is inspiring. When I am down, it helps me to make something. And trying a new recipe or craft opens doors in a person's mind and heart. If you're looking for something new to make, I recommend going to your library and taking out a craft book or a gardening book or a cookbook. Check your classroom or a shelf at home. 

Make something! And then...write about it.

I love making so much that I wrote a whole book about making. You can find a maker guide with all sorts of links to fun projects at my website HERE.

Today's project is dandelion jelly. They say it tastes like honey!

Dandelion Tea
Photo by Amy LV

Carmela is hosting Poetry Friday at Teaching Authors with a "STEAM poetry sneak peek" and this week's roundup. Please know that all are welcome each Friday as folks share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship.

What new thing will you do with your hands this week?



Please share a comment below if you wish. 
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment with a parent
or as part of a group with your teacher and class.


  1. Now I have to go find some purple violets! I have begged my husband for years to not mow down the ones that grow in my yard and he has finally allowed them to live. Alas, they are all white so I don't think they would make the vibrant jelly you have. But I do have dandelions...

  2. Okay! Challenge accepted! We don't have violets or dandelions in the Sierras yet, but I'm on the lookout for something! The changing colors you shared delight me!

  3. I don't think I have enough violets to make any but love seeing your process. Do you know Bradbury's Dandelion Wine? A favorite book! Happy eating, Amy!

  4. Those colors are gorgeous. So glad that the violet jelly "could happen"!

  5. Such colorful and lively images you shared of your process Amy, it's fun to see all those violets with the water beneath! Your poem is delightful too, enjoy the dandelions, thanks!

  6. I like to make things but never knew I could make violet jelly! It is so pretty and the color change with the acidic lemon is so interesting. I don't have enough violets, but you've inspired me to make strawberry jam and strawberry season is almost here. When you make jam, no matter what kind, the jars do seem to smile down from the shelf.

  7. You never cease to amaze...and inspire me!
