Friday, August 11, 2023

I Never Told Anyone This

Brain Boat
by Amy LV

Students - Today's little poem is about something I actually do. And something I have never told anyone else about. Isn't it interesting how we each have a completely personal inner life that no one can enter? For me, the transition from awake to sleep is mysterious and interesting, and sometimes I do imagine floating my brain on a little give it a break from my thoughts. You are the first people I have shared this with.

So, there's a writing idea. Three actually. You might wish to:

1. Write a poem about something you have never told someone. You are welcome to change the details of course.
2. Write a poem that gives advice as this one does. Your advice may be about anything!
3. Write a poem about something that goes through your head when you are falling asleep or when you wake up in the night or morning.

Remember, it helps a lot to read your poem out loud to yourself as you write it. When I am not sure what to write next, I read what I already have aloud...and the next words appear in my mind.! On Tuesday, I am excited to share that my new book, THE SOUND OF KINDNESS, beautifully illustrated by Teresa Martinez and published by Magination Press, will be out in the world. I will be having a little party at The Bookworm bookstore in East Aurora, NY, and you can see details about this in my sidebar.

Tabatha is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup today at The Opposite of Indifference with an assortment of treats including a poem by Geoffrey Brock. Each Friday, all are invited to share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship in this open and welcoming poetry community.

I wish your brain a glorious day or night! It is your very own brain, and I wish it well.



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Know that your comment will only appear after I approve it.
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment 
with a parent or as part of a group with your teacher.


  1. Amy, what a lovely idea! I have to say, what happens to my brain when I lie down at night feels a lot more chaotic than this. 😊 I am excited to try your method of relaxation. Thank you for sharing.

  2. So excited for your new book, Amy! Congratulations!

  3. Amy, congratulations on your kindness book coming out. How exciting! Such a good idea to send your brain on a little boat to get away from your thoughts. "fine pines and stars" is so beautiful!

  4. Congratulations on your new book! I am off to order a copy!

  5. Thank you for sharing your brain boat practice with us, Amy. I am going to try it sometime. Congrats on the new book! It sounds very you! xo

  6. Amy, you astound me with poetry brilliance...the soft creek flowing, firefly kind of brilliance. I too am off to get this book for me and for the young people I know that need it. xo

  7. It is high time for a book about kindness, Amy! Congratulations! Releasing the brain to go wandering 'alone' is a great idea for welcoming sleep. And, it's a fun idea for a poem, sharing a secret!

  8. A new book is cause for celebration... woo hoo!!! Live it up! Also, I love your poem and prompts. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wonderful advice - I will try it! And congrats on your new book! I'll look forward to getting a copy!

  10. First of all, I will be using THE SOUND OF KINDNESS to launch my year with the Kids Clubs kids. YAY! Second of all, I didn't even get my brain halfway down a river last night before I was asleep, so MANY THANKS for the new hack!

  11. Another book launch is so exciting! i look forward to working with students again and sharing your prompts.

  12. Ah, the many times I would have liked to send my brain afloat down a creek. :) Delightful poem, Amy!

  13. And congrats on the new book, Amy! THE SOUND OF KINDNESS looks so lovely! Can't wait to get a look at it. ❤️

  14. Congratulations on the new book! So exciting!

  15. I’m taking your last two lines to heart! And what a wonderful gift you wrote. THE SOUND OF KINDNESS — A classroom/school-wide favorite, I predict!
