Friday, September 22, 2023

Reflections On...

Tulip Bulbs, Grape Hyacinth Bulbs, Early Snow Glories Bulbs
Photo by Amy LV

Students - This weekend you will find me planting flower bulbs! And's poem is about something that always enchants me: the way that a bulb or seed knows just how and what to become. As seeds grow into flowers and vegetables and fruits and too do we begin small and become big and new as we grow. But how does this all happen? Well, it is science...but I also find magic in this. 

A box of bulbs (photo above) arrived at my house a few days ago, and I allowed this object to inspire a poem. A poem about a bulb. You may wish to try this sometime. Simply choose an object, an object that interest you for some reason or not. Allow yourself to think about it, to imagine it in the past or future or to question how it works or what it means to you or what it means to somebody else. Reflect. 

When I was a little girl, my family owned this book you see below, and I would often dip into it. I remember one poem especially. In "Apartment House," Gerald Raftery compares an apartment building to "a filing cabinet of human lives." I remember thinking what a perfect metaphor this was (though I likely did not know that word) and read this book often. I encourage you to find a poem book that can become a friend to you, for many years later, the voices of this book still echo in the hallways of my heart. And I think today's title came from the title of this old friend too. What we read stays with us.

If you wish to write about objects, consider having everyone in class bring a different, non-electronic object to class in a small brown paper bag. Each person choose a bag, peek inside, and reflect upon that object. Draw it if that helps you think. Then write. Talk about the approaches you take to your writing. We can all learn from each other. If you do try this, please let me know! I would love to hear about it, to read your poems and maybe even see some pictures.

Carol is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup today at Beyond Literacy Link with a celebration of summer's end and fall's beginning. Each Friday, all are invited to share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship in this open and welcoming poetry community.

Writing slows us down. I send you some slow wishes for the weekend ahead, friends.



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  1. I used Reflection... with my students. Such a great collection! Your poem is lovely, as always Looking forward to seeing pictures of those flowers in the spring! xo

  2. Amy, you make me want to go plant a hyacinth! I love the way your poem makes planting a flower feel like a gift to yourself that is delivered in the spring.

  3. I adore the way writing slows me down. I imagine each of us has a bulb in us.

  4. One of my favorite memories is planting daffodil bulbs with my mother on my 40th birthday. It was the first time I had ever spent a full 24 hours ALONE with my mom (I'm one of five, so there were ALWAYS other sibs around). For 20+ years, those spring blooms give me back that day. :)

  5. Amy, I like your thoughts on how a poem book can become a friend. The last line of your poem offers a wonderful word that children might want to investigate. ;

  6. I just planted seeds I found on the moonflower in our butterfly garden. I can't wait to see if they sprout. What a great idea for a classroom. Objects that become poems.

  7. I have quite a few bulbs so will be planting seeds instead this time, but love your poem, a "lilting" celebration, Amy! I love that book, still have it. It was a favorite with my students, too.

  8. Amy - I love your poem with it's solo rhyme, and I love listening to your ead it too. Thank you!

  9. Great poem! I appreciate your recordings. And I love your "non-electronic" object writing prompt.
