Friday, June 14, 2024

From a True Story to a Bit of Advice

Just Getting Gas
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Today's small free verse poem grew from a real experience that I had this week, one that I keep thinking about. I simply wished to hold onto this bittersweet memory (so sad, but so many people stepped in to help) by shaping the minutes and hours of that day into a poem to keep. I realize now that it is a bit of an advice poem, offering advice to myself and possibly to readers.

Consider paying close attention to your own life this week, to the small lessons you learn when you listen to your heart. Where have you been? What have you seen and heard? How have you grown? How might you shape this all into a memory or memory-and-advice poem for yourself or others? 

Feel free to use the words You might....

Our lives and stories matter. When we write about them, we learn. And once in a while, we may even teach without even knowing it.

As you may remember, a few weeks ago I had the good fortune to write color poems with the third graders of Greenacres Elementary School Greenacres Elementary School in Scarsdale, NY. We are lucky that Teacher Amy Correnti and her students are generously sharing their crayon color poems with us today. Enjoy these poems, noticing how one hue can bring a person to a character, to a moment, to life!

Thank you, Poets, for sharing with us today. I know that many of us will look for colors and see them in new ways this week thanks to you.

Denise is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at Dare to Care with a sacred seven poem and information about some upcoming poetry happenings. Each Friday, all are invited to share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship in this open and welcoming poetry community.

Please share a comment below if you wish.
Know that your comment will only appear after I approve it.
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment 
with a parent or as part of a group with your teacher.


  1. I am so very proud of my third graders always, but especially with the thoughtful work they did with Amy LV! Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity! -Amy Correnti

  2. Amy, what an experience meeting the woman at the gas station. The details are heart-wrenching. I'm so glad you and others were there to help her get through the initial shock. The third grade poems are a delight. Such a variety of form and ideas. The metaphors and poetic language are rich. They had good instruction and encouragement.

  3. Every day, you might. . . I am sorry for that woman but it feels as if all of you gave her such support, perhaps it was a good thing for her to stop there, needing strength even from strangers? The students' poems are so heartfelt, Amy. They must have brought a connection from you to open their hearts on the page. They are lovely!

  4. Wow...those color poems pack a punch! Eugene's wisdom! Arya's kindness! I am humbled. (And my heart goes out to the woman who lost her dog in the back seat).

  5. The children's poems remind me that being a child is hard work. Not a picnic. And the crying woman... a grief you have honored with your poem. Thank you for these poems... some ups, some downs... mirroring life.

  6. What a heart wrenching encounter! Some of those moments don't leave us. I love writing color poetry with kids! What gems!

  7. What moving and tender color poems from your students, it seems color ignited many here! Thanks also for your being there poem, the repetition of might and best drive the emotions.

  8. What a heartbreaking story, a moment that will linger with you. These moments really remind us both how fragile we are, and how powerful community can be, when we rally around each other.

  9. Oh, Amy, what a moment to be there! So sad but such a poignant moment captured in your poem. And Amy Correnti's class is multi-talented!

  10. Beautiful, touching, real poem about the dog and his bereft owner. Wow, Amy.
